About Oliss

Solutions engineered to make style work for you

We're here to put style to work for you

OLISS was born out of our own search for solutions to everyday men's style problems. A dress shirt that bunches when you tuck it, a favorite sweater that pills or pesky creases that form in dress shoes, as style conscious gents we were always looking for hacks and tricks to solve these and other style problems to ensure we always put our best foot forward.

As we searched and tinkered, we began to look for solutions beneath the surface. We began to look at how our clothing was designed and functioned, the materials it was crafted from and how each interacted with our bodies and surroundings. We found the solution to many of these everyday style problems lay beneath the surface. We embarked on engineering our first solution really just for ourselves, but once complete, decided we could not keep it to ourselves.

We adopted the name OLISS (short for Outside Looking Inside Style Solutions), alluding to our unique approach to enhancing style, and we set off to bring you functional solutions that tackle your outwardly visible style problems from the inside.

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Our first product solves a problem affecting the foundation of your style - your shoes.

Here's how it starts: you're excited. Excited that the shiny new pair of dress shoes you ordered for a pretty sum finally arrived. You try them on and thankfully they fit like a glove! You confidently strut out into the world with your new shoes on and head off to meet up with a friend. As you walk up, the first thing they notice are those shiny new shoes - "Hey man, love the shoes" they say.

As the week passes, the fresh-out-the-box look quickly fades...you look down at your still new-ish dress shoes and wonder what happened? Their newness has already faded...they are starting to look deformed and already have creases in them! Every step you take adds to the creases. Even though you take care not to bend down in them, within a month or two they're looking worn out already. You take a look at the sole...it's still in good shape, but those damn creases! You've tried creams, polishes even shoe trees, but nothing gets those ugly creases out. Annoyed that it's still way too soon to replace those just recently loved dress shoes, you slip them on and somewhat less confidently walk on...

Prevention is your only solution:


Wearable footwear technology that keeps your dress shoes looking their best.